Service Times

Sunday Morning………… 8:45 am
Sunday School…………....9:45 am
Sunday Afternoon………..11:00 am
Wednesday Evening……...7:00 pm

Join us in-person or online

Please visit our YouTube channel or our Facebook page to see an active live stream during the preaching of a scheduled service.

We invite you to join us for each of our services!

2025 Theme Verse

In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed, with that holy Spirit of promise...

Ephesians 1:13

Upcoming Events

Latest Sermons

Audio recordings of previous services are available for
online streaming or download on the Messages page.

New Hope Independent Baptist Church is an independent fundamental
Bible-believing church located in beautiful Gloucester, VA.

We are a family oriented church with a heart to reach others with the
Gospel of Jesus Christ and we use the KJV translation of the Bible in every service.

It is our prayer that if you are looking for a home church
that you would consider giving us a visit.